Once the data is accepted it is fed into Central Processing Unit before the output is generated as data has to be processed, which is done by CPU. This unit of the computer is the brain of computer system, which does all the processing, calculations, problem solving and controls all other functions of all other elements of the computer. The CPU consists of the following three distinct units namely.

1. MEMORY UNIT: This is the unit where the data and results are stored. The major function of this unit is to remember the instructions and data. The data stored can be accessed and used whenever required by the CPU for necessary processing. This unit contains of cells, which are capable to store unit of information. This memory unit is usually referred as primary storage section.

2. CONTROL UNIT: This control unit co-ordinates all the activities of each and every element of computer. It decodes the instructions given by various users and it sends commands and signals that determine the sequence of various instructions. Though this unit does not process data but it acts as the central system for data manipulation, as it controls the flow of data to and from the main storage.

3. ARITHMETIC & LOGIC UNIT: This unit performs all the arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction etc. It also does logicasl operations such as comparison of numbers etc. Thus this unit helps by processing data and taking logical decisions.


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